Duty, Abortion, Christians, and the American Vote
The Lord our God is One. The House of God must be one as well, but the people who call upon His Name stand divided today. Where once the people divided over priest and pastor, baptism and tongues, method and manner, now the people divide over politics, identity, and prosperity. Many of the Christian faith have gathered up under the Republican Party, standing firm upon the idea that the Republican way is the American way, that to vote otherwise is to approve of abortion and many evils, and that to abstain is worse than being merely a poor steward. To abstain, for some, is to be un-American and ungodly.
The people of God suffered under Roman rule. They wearied of living among and being ruled over by the lost people of this world. They desperately longed for the Messiah to come and put things right, overthrowing the Roman government while establishing a reign of righteousness over His kingdom here on this Earth. They longed for it so badly that, when given a choice between the Son of the Father—the only pure and righteous man ever to walk the earth, and Barabbas, a murderous revolutionary, they shouted, “Give us, Barabbas!” and “Crucify!” Do you not know that Barabbas means “son of Abba,” the name by which we affectionately call our God, which means “Father?” The people in the time of choosing divided into sheep and goats, as they ever did, as they ever shall.
Look at the savior for whom you shout on this Earth. Will you rally to the murderous traitor or the quiet one who speaks peace in the name of God? Look at the divide in His people today. It is not so different from the divisions among the people in Jesus’ lifetime before the cross. Do you take pleasure in the one who will give your foes a black eye? Do you long for the Day of the Lord to watch them suffer? Which side of the cross will you stand upon? Are you a sheep or a goat?
Some Christians stand resolute upon this statement: “I cannot bring myself to vote for someone who supports abortion, and it is my Christian and American duty to vote.” The past six years have shown us what comes of voting for the anti-abortion party without regard for the character, morals, and motives of the people opposing the murder of innocent children. Apparently, all the Antichrist will need to gather the support of many who claim the Name of Christ will be to say he’ll put an end to the murder of babies in the womb, to promise to defend Christians (because they have his back), and to boast proudly, while running his enemies into the dirt.
But let’s consider what these Christians say. Abortion is terrible. Who can deny this? Can we, however, ignore all other factors when considering whether and how to exercise our right to vote? Yes, we can, but should we? No, we should not. If we choose a representative who brings good things into being in alignment with God’s will, would we not feel good at having helped bring such a person into power? Indeed, we would and should because our choices helped positively affect this world for the glory of our God. If we, to the contrary, help elect someone who serves wicked means and ends, bringing about the anger of God, would we not feel shame and disgrace at having had a hand in that one’s rise to power? We should, if our consciences are not seared beyond all sensitivity. I would argue that if it is better not to marry or to eat meat for the sake of the Kingdom and Glory of our God, would it also be better not to vote for such sons of perdition as these which have stood so often in elections of late? Indeed, if we are not to eat at all with Christians who do not act like Christians, nor to even greet those who bring a different gospel than the gospel of Christ, how then should we think we shall escape the displeasure of our God if we put such people in power? How shall we please God if we put such people into authority over the administration of peace, justice, and the American way? These are no mere trifles we debate.
But will our God be anymore pleased by our choosing someone who supports or defends abortion? I dare say not. It is for this reason that I urge Christians to consider abstaining from voting, except in such cases as in this last election where there is a clear and present moral crisis which demands our intervention. Many Christians state they know what is right and good, and yet they will go in droves to vote to put such men and women in office, because they think (or say) it is their duty to do so. I tell you, your duty is not to put Judas into power over the purse of this nation, but to love your fellow human beings, to varying degrees, outmatched only by your love for God.
If the church would do what God commands, loving in spirit and in truth, in word and in deed, they would see the power of God unleashed again as it was in former times. Maybe if they devoted as much passion and love to the pregnant and not-yet-pregnant as they devote passion and hate to opposing abortion, there might be far fewer abortions and far more adoptions. Maybe if they devoted as much passion and love into serving the less fortunate and each other as they devote into making themselves secure and comfortable, there might be far fewer homeless and far more adoptions into the household of God. Maybe if they devoted as much passion and love into welcoming the brother and sister from another country as they put into ensuring more prosperity and security for themselves, there might be far fewer enemies in this world and far more allies of the people of our God. Maybe if they devoted as much passion and love into pursuing justice and healthcare for all as they put into building up their own households, there might be far more security and prosperity in this world for all, which is never a bad thing. Christ came into the world not to condemn it but to save it.
And yet we sit around, giving God 1/10 of all He gives us, keeping the Kingdom selfishly to ourselves, and judge ourselves better than the self-righteous who rejected our Lord, thinking that we please our God, simply by virtue of our being born Christian Americans of the modern day. One can hardly overstate the amount we have in common with the pharisees and sadducees of Christ’s time in the days of the cross.
If America tears itself apart in the next decade, it will be a judgment of God, but not merely over the wickedness we permit to go on every day within our borders and in our name around the world. It will be a judgment of God against the immorality of the churches in the one nation on Earth which purports to have been founded upon the right to worship Christ as one pleases.
Whoever may read this, read what Christ says to the churches:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit. Blessed are those who mourn. Blessed are the meek. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Blessed are the merciful. Blessed are the pure in heart. Blessed are the peacemakers. Blessed are those persecuted because of righteousness.”
What more does our God ask of you than this: Do what is right, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God?
O, Christian, how do you measure in the sight of your God? He weighs your motives and your heart as no other can. How have you treated the least of these? How have you treated the stranger? How have you treated the afflicted, the naked, and the imprisoned? Have you befriended the friendless? Have you invited in the outsider? Have you tended to the needs of His sheep and all the people? God is generous with even the wicked, otherwise none would be saved. But how generous are you? Do you have time, energy, and effort for those who cannot repay? Or do you tend to your own affairs, building up your own house, already knowing every soul you need to know, come Hell or high water? Have you found your life only to lose it, or have you lost your life in order to find it unto life eternal? Are you a true disciple of Christ? If so, God bless you. For you, I am thankful. If not, how can you make disciples of others if you aren’t even one yourself?