A Warning to God's People! A Cry of Alarm!
I see danger approaching and sound the cry. I warn all you people of God, every Christian! Take note: We have come to a time of great peril. Have nothing to do with the Republican Party. Denounce Donald Trump for the wicked pretender he is. Have nothing to do with criers of false conspiracies. If you have not lost it already, your lampstand will be removed if you continue on this path. If the people you worship among insist on going down the path of madness, you must come out from her so that you will not share in her sins. I see it coming and cry out,
Alert! Alert! Every Christian to your posts and parts! See to that which He has given you! A fox! A fox of foxes! A day of choosing has come!
The foxes seek authority over the chickens, and the chickens would hand it to them willingly! Awaken! Awaken! You who slumber must rise! If you find yourself surrounded by madness, have no part in it! For the love of Christ, have no part in it!
Advice to those who have stumbled, but hear Him calling or sense the danger rising:
1. Turn off Fox News and other fake news/opinions intended to tempt you into sin.
2. Seek valid news sources (plural).
3. Demand your political representatives live up to their positions.
4. Demand an accounting of the Republican Party.
5. Refuse to put another Republican in office. They are not your friends. Most of them do not serve God. Neither do they fear or love Him.
6. If you cannot vote for a Democrat, then offer a better alternative.
7. Stop accepting favors (even judges on a bench) in exchange for ignoring the sins of your representatives, so named because they represent you. Would you represent the spirit of Christ or the spirit of Antichrist before this world? Choose you this day!
Jezebel comes. She will NOT humble herself like the Lord. She will not say, “Your will, not mine, be done.” She will say to herself, “I am Queen, and no disaster will come near me.” But the dogs will lap up her blood.
The second eclipse crossing out America comes. If you do not turn from your wicked ways and soon, it will be too late. When a man’s way pleases God, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of Hosts! Take heed while you yet may. But the simple see danger and keep going. The foolish, stubborn wicked are destroyed.
A watchman has spoken.