What Happens to Christianity without Christ?

What happens to Christianity when Christ is not at its center? You get things like Disney's Magical Holiday Celebration, which promotes singing actual Christmas carols while your children beg for a pair of glowing Mickey ears. Of course, this is the same Disney that keeps denying access to works that should be in the public domain by lobbying our leaders to change the laws every time Mickey nears an important birthday. This is the same Disney that promotes sexual immorality through subtle programming choices and advertising in its various media outlets. This is the same Disney that creates shows like Futureman through its Hulu outlet (don't get me started on that mess). This is the same Disney that has been repeatedly telling the same story, which is actually heavily influenced by the One True Story of Christ only without actually pointing the way for children to their Source in Christ, for decades (check out Christopher Vogler if you don't know what I'm talking about).

Mind you, this is the same Disney that failed to properly warn people about a gator issue at their park because they didn't want people to have negative thoughts in the Magic Kingdom. This is the same Disney that is cozy in the city once cited as porn capital of America. This is the same Disney that is grooming children to be a decadent generation of consumers. This is the same Disney that helps to normalize the concept that everyone who names the Name of Christ is inherently Christian. This is the same Disney that is causing our God to be mocked because, like the Republican party, people think we all share the same values: Christians, corporate America, politicians, and the NRA. And I guarantee you this is the same Disney that is attempting to snuggle up to Christian consumers right now because they're doing damage control in anticipation of fallout related to their current efforts to change the laws of the land in their favor once again. A viper will cuddle up to you for warmth as easily, but sometime in the night, while you're asleep, it's going to reveal its nature because it cannot help itself. Don't remind people that Jesus is the reason for the season; remind them that Jesus is the reason for our entire lives.   

Ed MyersComment