For the Sake of My Kingdom
What does God say? Has He given you any great burden? No, rather He says,
Let us reason together. My burden is light.
Stop doing evil. Learn to do what's right.
Ascend to the heights of the land.
And how do we ascend to the heights of the land? Just as he says--if we do what pleases Him, He will cause us to ride on the heights of the land. Now then, we might ask, how exactly do we please Him? His Word makes this clear.
- Trust in Him. Salvation only comes through faith, by grace, in our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
- Follow Him. For example, He gave up things that were clearly His right, so that His Father's will should be done on Earth, just as it is in Heaven. Likewise, if we give up a few things that are ours by right for His Name's sake and for the sake of His kingdom, we shall be blessed for it.
- Shun what is evil.
- Learn to do what is right.
Now, that may seem like a lot to some, but it isn't really. It isn't even very hard, though at times it might feel as if it were. You see, if we love Him and we love others, we will do those things as we seek to please Him. What more does He ask than this? Do what is right. Love mercy. Care for others, especially those in need. Walk humbly before and with our God in Jesus the Christ.
He has promised that if we love, trust, and follow Him, when we see Him He will say to us,
Well done, good and faithful servant. Over a few things you were faithful, over many I will set you. Enter into the Joy of your Master.
Let us continue to remember His Word as we continue on our way in light of the things to come. What a great and glorious day that will truly be!
God bless.