Works Cited in my book
All of the works cited in my book should appear below. If a book appears on this page, I relied upon, quoted, or referred to it in writing Once Upon a Time: Tracing the Footsteps of Christ, Our Hero. I’ve broken the Amazon links into two sections: “Works Specifically Created with or for a Christian Worldview” and “Other Works.” Please use discernment when reading or viewing any of these works as they may embody viewpoints wholly or partially antagonistic toward faith in Christ and/or sound doctrine. Also, please note, I don’t endorse all of the views represented in any of these works. I offer them as aids to increased understanding and growth in your faith and walk with Christ, but I leave to your discernment much of what you’ll find. If you would like some guidance, please read my free book, linked to in this text, the navigation bar on every page of this website, and advertised on the home page here. All you have to do to receive a copy is sign up for my very occasional newsletter. I place upon you no other obligation of any sort.
Some books are academic short runs and, therefore, quite expensive. Careful searches may supply better (less expensive) opportunities. Check the links carefully if you decide to buy on Amazon. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers try to catch buyers unaware with exorbitant pricing. I have no control over what happens at the other end of any of these links. Some of the editions I cite are out of print and, therefore, priced higher. Consider getting a less expensive option.
A third section links free copies of works in the public domain (Christian or otherwise). The fourth section contains general links to online media that I cite in my book. Again, proper discernment is advised in each case.
Take Warning: Some of the books, media, or movies may contain content offensive to some viewers; do not watch, read, or view anything that the Holy Spirit tells you isn’t for you. I would not have anyone stumble on my account. I only point to Truth, wherever it may be found. Inclusion of links on this page should not be construed as endorsement for any product, retailer, storefront, story, or content creator. Caveat emptor! Also, please note, while I did my best to approximate the versions of works I referenced, I cannot guarantee that the works I’ve linked on this page will match the edition I used. Quotes I reference may not appear in a given edition or may appear on a different page. Use your best judgment in this matter. I’ve done my best to have a clear conscience before God and Man. To that end, my views on Christianity (and, to a much lesser extent, Mormonism and other world views which need sifting) are clearly posted elsewhere on this site. I have left nothing about these matters hidden.
These works are not arranged in any particular order other than as I referenced them in my book (generally speaking).
Works Specifically Created with or for a Christian Worldview
Other Works
Alternatively, an earlier version of Momaday’s essay appears in the introduction to this text here:
Other Works Cont’d.
Free Resources (Christian or otherwise)
Tremendous Trifles by G. K. Chesterton at Project Gutenberg
Essays; or, Counsels, Civil and Moral, and The Wisdom of the Ancients by Sir Francis Bacon (Free Google Books)
Cerberus, The Dog of Hades: The History of an Idea by Maurice Bloomfield
Euripides and Later Greek Thought by Ethel Ella Beers
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities by William Smith
The Most Ancient and Famous History of the Renowned Prince Arthur, King of Britaine, The First Part by Sir Thomas Malory
Tales of a Wayside Inn by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Sayings of the Jewish Fathers by Charles Taylor
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Complete Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Pearl Fountain and Other Fairy Tales by J. and B. Kavanagh
Othello. King Lear. All’s Well that ends well. Macbeth. by William Shakespeare
The Odyssey: Rendered into English for the Use of Those Who Cannot Read the Original translated by Samuel Butler
While I cannot match the edition of the Book of Mormon I cite in my book, many digital options are available, including one on my own page of resource files available here.
Online media (Christian or Otherwise)
“Heaven is a fairy tale, says physicist Hawking” (Reuters Article)
“The Arc of Storytelling” video talk by Professor Bobette Buster on Q Ideas for the Common Good
FAIR (Mormon) Article on Marriage Doctrines